Wednesday, October 21, 2009

robert kenndeny assaassnation

i do remember robert kennendy's assassnation, i think i was 8 years when robert kenneny was killed in los angeles, calf, in 1968, i rememeber siting in front of my old tv set ,watching tv news coverage of it.

i had a tutor who tried to help me do better in school

many years ago, maybe decades ago, when i was younger , when i living at home, my mom had tutor come by to help me, with my school work, i do not remember much about her, i think was very young, maybe in her early 20's, i am not really sure.
i forgot what the name of the female tutor was, i did remember siting at old dinning room table, where she tried to help with my school work, my time with tutor did not very long.
that female tutor was not heavy, she was kind of slim, i think she tried to be nice to me, in many ways, that were help.
i might of 10 years old or older, i do remember how old ,i was at that time.